Yuwa at Donosti Cup

Finanziato il 06 / 07 / 2013
£ 11,366
£ 6,855
£ 10,282
241 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 9

    Gratitude in the website and the social networks.

    Your name will be featured in the project's website as wella s the gratitude in the social network and real time during the campaign.

    > 22 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17

    Thanks Yuwa video

    We will send you a personalized video where the Yuwa girls participating in the DonostiCup will thank you for your collaboration and support + special thanks both in the Website and the social networks.

    > 33 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 30

    Handmade Bracelet

    You will receive a bracelet handmade by the Yuwa girls + Video + Special thanks in the website and the social networks

    > 17 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 43

    Yuwa T-shirt

    Do you like playing soccer? You will be able to play with a brand new Yuwa t-shirt (available for kids and adults). It will be delivered at the adress you send in the size you indicate + Bracelet handmade by the Yuwa Girls + Personalized video + Special thanks int he website and social networks.

    > 53 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 64

    A ticket for the Yuwa "town feast" in San Sebastian/Donostia.

    You will be one of the guests in the "Yuwa Feast" that will be held in San Sebastian during the DonostiCup where you will be able to meet the Yuwa Girls Team + T-shirt + Bracelet + Personalized Video + Special thanks in the website and the social networks

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 86

    Duo Pack for the "Yuwa Town Feast"

    We will send you two guest tickets for the "Yuwa Feast" held in San Sebastian during the DonostiCup + T-shirt + Bracelet Handmade by the Yuwa girls + Personalized Video + Special thanks through the social networks and on the website

    > 14 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 129

    "Xirimiri" collaborator of Yuwa at DonostiCup

    You will be one of the "Xirimiri" collaborators of the project, so your logo will be featured in our website and in the post-materials + 2 tickets for the "Yuwa Feast" + T-shirt + Bracelet Handmade by the Yuwa Girls + Personalized Video + Special thank you in the social networks

    > 02 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 214

    "Rain" collaborator of Yuwa at DonostiCup

    You will be a "Rain" collaborator of the project, your logo will be featured in all the printed materials of the "Yuwa Feast" + Logo featured in the website and the post-materials + 2 tickets for the "Yuwa Feast" + T-Shirt + Bracelet Handmade by the Yuwa Girls + Personalized Video + Special thank you in the social networks

    > 01 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 514

    Colaborador/a "chaparrón" de Yuwa at Donosti Cup

    You will be "Heavy Rain", a premium collaborator, so the sportive outfit of the girls will feature your logo (sweatshirt) + Your logo in all the "Yuwa Feast" printed material + Logo in the website and the post-materials + 2 tickets for the "Yuwa Feast" + Bracelet Handmade by the Yuwa girls + Personalized Video + Special thanks in the social networks

    > 03 Co-finanziatori

Diario Yuwa

¡Las niñas de Yuwa ya están en Donosti! Podéis seguir su aventura a través de nuestro blog: http://yuwadonosticup.org/category/blog/

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Invitación a Rueda de Prensa

El proyecto Yuwa at Donosti Cup entra en la recta final. Queda menos de un mes para que 20 niñas que forman parte de Yuwa -organización que trabaja con niñas en India y que mediante el fútbol lucha contra el matrimonio infantil, la trata...

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Ahora que hemos llegado a los 12.000€

Escribimos esta novedad para de alguna manera dar las gracias a todas las personas que estáis colaborando o ayudándonos. Muchísimas gracias de todo corazón,

Cuando hace unos meses empezamos con la idea de traer a Yuwa a la Donosti Cup no nos...

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Recogida material educativo y deportivo

Cuando iniciamos la campaña de Goteo pedíamos también colaboración para la recogida de material. Llevábamos ya tiempo pensando que es lo que realmente urge a Yuwa India, hoy nos han confirmado lo siguiente:

      Material deportivo:...
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01 Commenti

Mensaje de Xabi Prieto para Yuwa at Donosti Cup

Este es el mensaje de ánimo que nos envió el capitán de la Real Sociedad, Xabi Prieto.

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Yuwa en Boulevard de Radio Euskadi

El pasado jueves Franz estuvo junto a nosotros en una entrevista en Radio Euskadi. Podéis escucharlo aquí:


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Yuwa llega a Anoeta

Ayer durante el partido de la Real y el Valencia pusieron este pequeño video de presentación de Yuwa en el marcador de Anoeta. Desde aquí, tenemos que agradecer a la gente de la Real toda la ayuda.

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Yuwa en La Sexta deportes

Este es el video que salió ayer en La Sexta. Gracias a todos los que nos ayudáis a sacarles una sonrisa.


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Franz informs us all the way from India that they have already gotten the paper work done for all the visas the players need. Those will be taken care of all together. And for that they have a 24h journey to Delhi ahead of themselves. Let the...

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